Awakening to the Sound of the Stream Becoming the Whole Sky
This workshop weaves Zen practice, contemplative inquiry, experiential exercises – and aims to restore wholeness of heart and clarity of mind, so we can respond wisely and compassionately to the challenges that we face.
Mountains and waters are natural companions for the Zen Way. The sound of the stream and the shape of the mountain awakens us to the one who hears and the insight of interconnected oneness with all of life.
Dogen says:
I came to realize clearly that the mind is no other than mountains, rivers, the great wide earth, sun, moon and stars.
With this realisation we dispel the illusion of separation between each other and the natural world. Our joyful, energised commitment to our Bodhisattva vows invigorates us, as we work towards a more life sustaining world. Realising the way together with the great earth and all sentient beings is the ground for genuine aspiration and wise action.
Teachers: Subhana Barzaghi & Aladdin Jones