Creativity, Art & Writing


I have a passion for creating beautiful, wild, sacred places in the inner landscape of the heart-mind and in the world, through creative expressions of art making and creative writing that offer inspiration, healing and serenity.

Over the years I have come to value the relationship between, silent meditative practice and creative expression. My creativity emerges from an inner spacious reflection and dances between art making or creative writing. I saw a t-shirt once that said, “If I cannot dance, I don’t want to be part of your revolution”. I feel the same way about creativity. Being creative is soul food for me, tapping into a deep well of nourishment, the self forgotten in the act of creating, it is liberating and healing.

My poetry, writing and art making are born from the luminous liminal space of imagination and the engaging with the embodied practical task undertaken in the process of the work. Hopefully my humble offerings will contribute joy, serenity, beauty and inspiration to others.

Meditation & Creativity Retreats

The creativity retreats provide an open safe non-judgmental space that nurtures and mentors each persons unique creative impulse and expression. The creative impulse lives inside us and is a gift because it comes through us, it is given to us when we are open, spacious and not overly self obsessed. Something in us is healed when we acknowledge, receive and pass on the gift of creativity.

The retreat consists of morning and afternoon workshops as well as time for personal creative work. The rhythm through a day is a movement between stillness and silence to creative expression, back to silence and reflection. The ‘art of being’ is to sit to empty the mind of stress, preoccupations, worries and doubts to cultivate calmness, presence and space for expression. Playing with paints, inks, luscious colours, and various materials is a way to open to your intuitive joyful alive self! Writing and art-making can be a spiritual resource for healing, deepening and returning to your true self. It is a way of grounding yourself, to give yourself the present of the present.

“A creative piece requires the soul and inspiration of an artist. To paint the creative piece of your life, you need more than forms and techniques. You need a heroic commitment to your deepest self. Born in your heart, tempered by your head, shaped with your hands, and walked with your own two feet, your life’s work is your special gift for mankind”. – Lawrence Boldt.

Please check the events page and calendar for listings.

Check out this youtube video of the creativity retreat at Sangsurya in 2014.



“Wild Grasses and Falling Wattle”, Dharma Poetry by Subhana

Book Chapters in Edited Books

Barzaghi S., & Coote, G., Socially Engaged Buddhism in “Spirited Practices – Spirituality and the Helping Professions”, (2007) Ed., Gale,F., Bolzan N., & McRae-McMahon D.,
Allen & Unwin Australia.

Barzaghi S., The Spiritual Needs of the Aged and Dying: A Buddhist Perspective, in “Ageing & Spirituality across Faiths and Cultures”, (2010) Ed., MacKinlay E., Jessica Kingsley Pub, London.

Barzaghi, S., The Journey of a female Zen teacher: “On a withered tree a flower blooms’, in “Buddhism in Australia – Traditions in Change” (2011) Ed., Rocha C., & Barker, M., Routledge Critical Studies, New York

Journal Publications
A number of articles and talks have been published regularly over the years from 1998 – 2008 in various Buddhist & Psychotherapy newsletters and Journals:-

  • The Sydney Zen Centre Journal, “Mind Moon Circle” published quarterly;
  • Melbourne Zen Group Journal, “Vast & Ordinary News”
  • Buddhist Library of NSW newsletter, “Dharma Vision”
  • Southern Insight’s Christchurch New Zealand’s newsletter
  • Diamond Sangha Journal, USA – “Blind Donkey”
  • Hakomi Association quarterly newsletter.

Art exhibitions

Sydney Zen Centre 2014
Sydney Zen Centre 2013
Sydney Zen Centre 2011
Mary Place Paddington September 2010.
St. Albans Gallery 2007

Art Gallery page in progress.

More information about Subhana’s Creativity practice is coming soon.

Upcoming Events